Adhyayan Lesson Certification Process

As a candidate for certification in lesson planning, you are required to fill an application form with some information about yourself and your statement of purpose which explains why you want to sign up for the learning program and what you wish to accomplish from it.
Once you complete the steps below you will receive a registration number via email that you must quote for every submission made.
You will need to indicate your agreement with the process that will be followed during this course. Kindly download from below, the certification agreement and the application form
Print out all documents, sign your acceptance at the end of each document where indicated, fill in the forms and then either scan and upload below or send the hard copy by courier to Adhyayan.

    1. Click to download the agreement form : Certification agreement
    2. Click to download the application form for registration to the Adhyayan Lesson Plan Program: Application form for registration

Once downloaded, please scan and upload the completed forms below. You can even courier the signed and dated forms to Adhyayan.


[contact-form-7 id=”1310″ title=”Registration Page”]
Once the completed forms and payment are received, Adhyayan will email the school a Registration Number. Using this registration number, the school can sign-in to the learning certification portal and upload all the completed lesson plans and get access to reviewer feedback.